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True North has a wealth of experience in guiding emerging businesses, and they provide an environment that is non-interfering and supporting. They encourage taking risks, and it is very helpful that they fine-tune the organisation to reach super ordinal goals. My experience working with True North has been highly positive, and it has had positive outcomes. Also, their experience in financial management and managing a diverse range of small businesses is a great value add.

  • Anil Banchhor Managing Director & CEO, RDC Concrete

Working with True North has consistently been about progression – moving upwards and onwards. The People are their biggest asset – as the individual values are superbly aligned with the work ethic of the company. The partnership with True North has been very inclusive and helpful for Born, and has helped us deliver great results – we are now in eight countries, our growth rate is four times what the market is growing at and we have the reputation of being among the top five in the world. True North has been a true partner and its leadership is exemplary. We value the partnership we had with the firm and it helped us keep our sights on the right path.

  • testimonial
  • Dilip Keshu CEO, Born Group

Most  discussions between private equity funds and their CEOs is based primarily on business success. It is rare to find PE players who put values and people practices above everything else. True North exemplifies this rare and hence invaluable PE partner. It has been a privilege and a pleasure, for me to work with True North. They have truly been a partner in our progress.

  • Raviganesh Venkatraman CEO, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals

"True North has been a wonderful counsel for us. Their deep-seated knowledge of the insurance industry as investors has aided us in many ways. I am happy they are generating a healthy return and look forward to continuing our partnership with them.”

  • Yashish Dahiya CEO, PolicyBazaar

Today, ACT is India’s third-largest wired broadband service provider and it is undeniable that we achieved this primarily as a result of the belief system we imbibed from True North. Working with True North is a meeting of like-minded people and integration of a strong value-system. The past 10 years for us have been a challenging journey, but with True North by our side, we learnt from our mistakes ensuring that they wouldn't be repeated. The core values of True North reflect our approach too –ensuring we deliver value and stand firm for our ‘purpose’, without cutting corners.

  • Bala Malladi CEO, Atria Convergence Technologies

We have had a fantastic journey with True North. Our growth from just two manufacturing plants in 2013, when we partnered with them, to three businesses and six manufacturing plants at the time of exit in 2019, is reflective of our successful relationship with True North. We share common values with them such as Integrity, achievement orientation, collaboration and trust. The transparency and flexibility of the firm has been tremendous, and smooth communication helped us deal with challenges and focus on business growth. True North has played an active role in access to resources such as experts in consulting, digital, accounting, HR sectors as well as industry professionals. I am glad to share that through this partnership, I acquired very good friends whom I can bank on, during challenges and I look forward to continue this relationship ahead.

  • Ajay Mariwala CEO, VKL Seasoning

True North was the first private equity player to identify the potential of Aster DM Healthcare and invest into it in 2007, when we were a small organization with 36 units. They stood by us like a true partner, helping to frame our strategies, establishing a proper governance structure and helping in the rebranding of the company. True North remained invested in the company for over a decade based on shared values and has helped in building Aster into a global integrated healthcare provider, with over 300 facilities across 9 countries.

I believe the soul of True North are their people who believe in nurturing intimate professional and personal relationships with the senior functionaries of the company, by always being available for guidance and support. I cherish the memories of our association with True North and value the relationship with the partners of the company.

  • Dr. Azad Moopen Chairman, Aster DM Healthcare

True North’s entry as the new majority partner in Niva Bupa in the year 2019 has been a positive development for the company. The transition has taken Niva Bupa in the right direction, making the future better, richer and opening newer growth areas for the brand. True North and Niva Bupa share the same value and vision for the Niva Bupa business and are focused on strengthening the company’s image and reputation to drive accelerated growth.

Niva Bupa has benefited from True North’s domain expertise in areas such as Healthcare, Finance & Governance, Technology/Analytics, and Human Resources. Over the last two years, we have built a powerful franchise, earned trust and brand equity in the market. We are on track to achieve the desired business growth and fulfil our aim of nearly tripling our current size by 2024. We look forward to a continued partnership with True North as we move forward.

  • Krishnan Ramachandran CEO, Niva Bupa

True North has been a strong partner to HomeFirst since the beginning of our association in March 2017. Over the last 3+ years, True North has helped us mature from a small to a mid-sized organisation. We have a shared passion for technology and excellence. Besides this, we have a common belief system that includes among other things – building a business that sustains over the long term, doing business the right way and treating people with respect. We have interacted with many people in True North and have had very constructive discussions, with the common thread being a genuine zeal for doing the best for the business. We will always value and cherish our growing up years with True North. Looking forward to our continued partnership in building HomeFirst together.

  • Manoj Viswanathan CEO, HomeFirst

We admire and have gained immensely from True North’s philosophy to invest and build impactful businesses through a deep influence on the scaling and sustainability of the organisation. There has been a great alignment with True North on the vision, values and operating principles of the bank. True North's approach has been very encouraging right from the beginning, and they have immensely contributed to the strategy of the organisation. True North has also engaged themselves to assist in the digital initiatives of the bank and building digital workforce, which is our bank’s key strategic strength.

  • Rajeev Yadav CEO, Fincare

True North has been a true partner for us in many ways since the beginning of the journey. I greatly appreciate that True North gives ample space to CEOs, while the trust and confidence of the Partners on the teams that they appoint is exemplary – this kind of support has helped us in the business growth. The people of True North are remarkable and very humble which enables an environment of comfort, driving us to give our best. The culture that True North sets is also of the highest standards and helps in contributing greatly to the overall success of an organisation.

  • Venkatram Vasantvada CEO, Seedworks