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Responsible Investing

As a responsible investor, it is our duty to ensure that our actions address emerging risks and opportunities towards a sustainable future.

  • For True North, commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework is synonymous with doing business “The Right Way” and building a strong and enduring foundation for success. We believe this would help build a culture of excellence in each partner company and fulfill our vision of creating universally admired and socially responsible businesses.
  • We formally embarked on our ESG journey in 2018 when we adopted a comprehensive policy framework for True North Fund VI. In 2020, we have committed ourselves to leading global standards and frameworks through our Responsible Investment Policy.
  • In October 2020, the firm became a signatory to United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment. Our unique ESG initiatives include:
  • Revised ESG Policy and Implementation Manual in alignment with the globally accepted frameworks including the UNPRI, ADB, IFC, BI (CDC), NGRBC, etc to expand and integrate Responsible investment framework and include integration of ESG considerations in Firm's own operations
  • Integration of ESG & Climate change in all our asset classes viz. Private Equity and Private Credit
  • ESG Assessment Framework developed to digitally track, manage, monitor and report portfolio progress
  • Community outreach through True North Foundation and CSR contribution of our partner companies

In order to ensure accountability and transparency, as also the commitment of senior leadership, we have established an ESG and Climate Change Governance Committee headed by the Managing Partner for oversight and strategic direction on ESG & CC Policy its implementation and review.

True North recognizes that risks arising out of climate change are real and imminent. Therefore, the endeavour and commitment is to work towards reducing the carbon footprint of our operations and those of our partner companies. This also includes making our partner companies' businesses climate risk resilient.

In that endeavour, to set the right precedent, True North has estimated the carbon footprint/inventory of its own operations since inception, It has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint and offset the balance through carbon credits from projects that serve multiple UNSDGs.

True North continues to be carbon neutral in its own operations.

We have developed a Climate Policy and Implementation Plan aligned with commitment to the Paris Agreement and Task force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We have carried out Climate Risk Assessment (CRA) of our portfolio (Fund V & VI) to assess climate risks and opportunities across our existing portfolio and developed a roadmap (based on TCFD recommendations). Climate risks are now part of our diligence process in our investment framework.

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We started our journey over two decades ago with the “Purpose” of making a difference to society

We said that we will do this by partnering with entrepreneurs and business leaders, who are on the journey of creating conscious and high performing businesses. Towards this objective, it was imperative that we not only have the right intent but also sharply measure if we are truly living by the “right” environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) principles. Hence, being formally admitted as a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is a very important milestone in our journey.

  • Vishal Nevatia

    Managing Partner, True North