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Sushim Desai

Chief Risk Officer

Sushim joined True North in 2021. He is responsible for Risk Management in the Private Credit platform. Sushim has 21 years of experience across private equity, syndications, credit ratings, diverse debt, and M&A transactions. He has built an exceptional track record of actively managing credit & structural risk in special investment themes.

Prior to joining True North, he was the Senior General Manager, Group M & A at Mahindra & Mahindra. He has also worked in leadership roles in a mix of international and local organizations at InCred Capital, Clix Capital, GE Capital, CRISIL in India, US and Hong Kong.

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physics from St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai and has also completed a post graduate program in business administration with a specialization in Finance from Institute of Education, Pune.

Sushim is a keen hiker and enjoys music in his free time.