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Dr. Nagendra Swamy


Dr. Nagendra has over 30 years of rich experience in healthcare management, assuming senior managerial and board positions in various national and international organizations.

He founded Medisync Health Management Services in 2018, a company specializing in managing a wide range of hospitals to deliver quick turnarounds & create value. Prior to this, he was also the Group Medical Director, Sr. President and Chairman – Quality Council, Manipal Health Enterprises and was responsible for medical operations, standardization and implementation of quality systems across all hospitals of MHE.

His remarkable multicultural work experience has immensely contributed towards his excellence in people management. He has also led multiple initiatives in terms of training and staff development. His invaluable experience comes as a strong support for True North's Healthcare Investment team, which seeks his counsel from time to time.

In 2010, he was honoured with the prestigious Dr. B.C Roy Award by the Government of Karnataka.